DAX brings out the best of Power BI

Maestro for your numbers and insights.

DAX is an essential part of Power BI and it’s important to learn DAX fundamentals

DAX, short for Data Analysis Expressions, is the powerhouse behind the magic of Power BI.

It's like the language that speaks to your data and tells it what to do.

With DAX, you can unleash the full potential of your data, creating calculations, aggregations, and custom measures that make your reports not just informative but downright brilliant.

DAX expressions contain two main parts

Formulas: Formulas can be simple or complex, depending on what you want to achieve.

They’re written to perform calculations or define filters.

Functions: DAX functions are like tools in a toolbox.

They help perform specific tasks, such as aggregating data, filtering, or manipulating tables.

Functions can be used within formulas to achieve different outcomes.

DAX is mainly used to create:

Calculated Columns: These are columns within a table that derive values based on a DAX formula.

You can create calculated columns to add new information to your dataset.

Measures: Measures are dynamic calculations that aggregate values based on filters or criteria.

They are essential for creating metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Some Common DAX Functions:

  • SUM(): Adds values in a column.

  • AVERAGE(): Calculates the average of values in a column.

  • RELATED(): Follows relationships between tables.

  • FILTER(): Applies filters to tables or columns.

  • CALCULATE(): Alters the context for calculations.

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